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End of show wrap party!

Saturday 30th April was the final day of the winter/spring exhibition, and, after a week of chilly North Easterly wind, the day turned out warm and sunny, perfect for a fond farewell.

We were joined by four of our outgoing sculptors, and a gathering of Turrill patrons to bring the curtain down on another successful show. And as if to confirm the success, a nice couple from Newbury appeared, to collect the two pieces they had bought from the winter exhibition.

To add to our “Sculpture in My Garden” feature we asked how they will benefit from these additions to their garden. “We’ve put most of the emphasis on the area around the house, the patio and terrace, with some beautiful mosaics for example, and not paid much attention to the rest of the garden, so these sculptures will help to draw the eye further into the space and encourage us to be more creative with our landscaping” they explained. They certainly looked delighted with their purchase of the beautiful glass ‘Red seedheads’ by Christine Beckett as they headed off back to Berkshire.

The second purpose for the gathering was to unveil our new Fern Seat, so kindly donated by Gardens for Good. It’s a striking piece of functional garden art, large enough for a couple to cozy-up in, or for an individual to spread out and relax. The flexible framework gives it a pleasing bounce when you sit in it, and it’s possible to use that momentum to gently rock yourself to a state of satisfying inertia. Huge thanks to Joe Francis, its designer, and his team for this very generous gesture, we encourage everybody to drop-by and have a little “me time”!

So, the closing of the Winter show signals the beginning of a new season of exhibitions, and we are thrilled to welcome our new exhibitor Ian Marlow whose show launches on 7th May. Watch out for news and images of his steel and glass sculptures next week.

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