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COP26 Week – What the Turrill is contributing to our local Ecology

Katherine Shock

There are so many benefits to having a local public garden and we hope that many residents take advantage of having the Turrill so close to where they live in Summertown. During this COP26 week, we reflect on how gardens and green spaces in general help the environment by reducing pollution, via oxygenic photosynthesis. Plants and trees absorb carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen (fast fact: it takes up to 1,000 trees to offset the carbon footprint of one adult human) and the more of them there are, the more local wildlife is encouraged, too. Birds, insects and other animals all need plants and trees to survive and they also act as a rich source of food, shelter and refuge from predators.

The Turrill’s contribution:

A gentle stroll during Library hours each week will bring you to a peaceful area full of fresh air and with nature quietly bustling around you – no need to get the car out for such easy access.

The garden has established well over its last 21 years and the mature trees host so many life forms. Oaks and Birches are host to a disproportionate number of creatures and although our Pin Oak is still quite a youngster there will be plenty of inhabitants taking advantage of its gentle habitation as well as the Birch nearby.

This year we left the grass to grow longer in April and May to enable more flowers and seeds to grow and set. The garden looks much neater when the grass is mown but we try to get a balance of encouraging wildlife to flourish and a good green sward to set off the sculpture.

In return nature has provided us with bonuses that we never expected. None of the bluebells that flower in the Spring were planted by us and may have come from birds dropping seeds or be part of the older garden that was on this site many years before the library arrived. We do know that the lovely little variegated Box Elder that is behind the ‘2000’ bench was a surprise gift


Last time I visited I was surprised to find the modest little cyclamen neapolitanum twinkling up from under the bushes – another surprise gift found for the first time.

So do go along and get to know your local garden where all the plants are suitable for growing locally and have clearly settled down to enjoy their home there. Details can be found online for those who want to know more at

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