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Katherine Shock

Developing the Collaboration

The life drawing at The Turrill on 21st August which we announced last week, in association with art-sauce, has already proved to be a winner! We have virtually filled all the available spaces, which means we will almost certainly run a second session on 28th August. Please keep an eye out for announcements on social media and our website.

This encouraging result makes us wonder how we could further leverage our work with art-sauce. They are based in East, and we in North Oxford, so we are accessing interested groups spanning the city, possibly encouraging interaction that may otherwise not have happened.

A new course has just been introduced which may be of interest to The Turrill followers: “Creative Sculpture” with Emma Clifton Brown emmacliftonbrown. Details of the course can be found here creative-sculpture-short-course

Art-sauce are open to new course or workshop ideas, and tutors to devise and run them, which could include any viable creative art. So if you aspire to develop your teaching practise, or wish to share ideas with open-minded, art enthusiasts, then why not contact art-sauce and pitch your suggestion?

The space here at The Turrill could readily lend itself to further possibilities, so we’ll be speaking with art-sauce about how we can involve the communities in our locales and spread the art message.

Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions on how we can develop this collaboration, please contact us here Email contact.

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