There's nothing quite like the satisfying crunch of stepping through the Autumn leaves and enjoying the myriad of colours that this wonderful season can bring us.
Radley College's 'Footfall' exhibition is taking every advantage of the leaves and enticing us in to see just what the Turrill has to offer us at this time of year. Have you noticed the spectacular Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria) that has astonishing 'lantern' seedheads against the blue sky above and its fiery patterned leaves too? The Double Cherry often does us proud as it blazes red and even the Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) has dramatic foliage lying amongst the feet this year. The dogwoods turn slowly red and the Amelanchiers (Snowy Mespilus) follow their lead. But go and see what you can find for yourself. Maybe even a few of the strange strawberry fruit from our Arbutus will be ready to try - though they may be a disappointment. But Autumn itself is always a treat - so don't miss this turn of the season at the Turrill.