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We have a fine new gazebo in the Turrill Garden!

Katherine Shock

If this nasty cold, rainy weather continues much longer, we will all, no doubt be gasping for a bit of warm, sunny relief. It’s surely just around the corner, please!

Rain or shine, our latest addition to The Turrill Sculpture Garden will be a welcome and attractive sight for all our visitors. We have just installed a new gazebo at the lower end of the garden, which will be a popular shelter for when it rains or if the sun is too fierce and means the garden will be an even better place to spend time without having to worry about the weather, for children’s reading sessions or just a quiet spot to sit in peace.

With the help of a donation from the Friends of Summertown Library we’ve invested in the gazebo for other reasons too, as we seek to expand the use of the garden for purposes other than as a sculpture exhibition site and a calm reading or meditation space. In August 2021 we introduced outdoor life drawing which will continue this summer with 2 sessions already planned. But before that we have a programme of very exciting events to be announced in the coming weeks, so watch out for news of those. The gazebo will play an integral part in both of these, helping to ensure they go ahead regardless.

Imagine also a sculpture show private viewing, or one of our collaborative evenings with The North Wall and Wiseman Gallery with the added bonus of a place to serve refreshments or to use as an intimate meeting space?

Yes, we believe the gazebo will bring huge benefits to visitors to the garden, and we wish to thank Ziki and Kar, pictured here, for their brilliant efforts in getting it installed with the minimum disruption. (For some reliable and knowledgeable gardening Ziki can be found at The Castle Gardener – and Kar, the landscaper is

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