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Welcoming the start of The Festive Season, 2022!

Katherine Shock

It’s a special feeling, wrapping up in winter woollies; hats, scarves, gloves and warm boots and heading out into the cold night air to enjoy a typical Christmas activity. Better still if you are doing it to reconnect with friends or to make new ones.

At this time of year it’s enjoyable ensuring traditions are maintained, and as long as the weather holds up, outdoor Christmas gatherings, with suitable warm refreshments can’t be beaten!

Mulled wine, homemade mince pies, Christmassy treats, carols and twinkling lights, mixed with a chilly but still evening on Saturday 3rd December, welcoming the start of the Festive Season at The Turrill Sculpture Garden.

Guests to our now traditional Christmas gathering enjoyed our Winter Exhibition, checking out the display of sculptures available for purchase, in amongst the snaking lights and flickering candles, before seizing a glass of the warm mulled wine and a delicious something homemade to nibble on. The background carol singing of the Oxford Trinity Choir recording made for a very joyful atmosphere as everyone engaged in conversation with among others, one of our exhibiting sculptors, Elaine Gorton, visiting all the way from Lincolnshire, and Peter Venables, one of our strongest and most generous patrons.

We wish all of our friends and supporters the most magical and cheerful holiday period and invite you to visit us any time the Summertown Library is open for Christmas gifts in 2022 and treasures to purchase in 2023 and beyond!

Peter Baird

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