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Art Late Autumn 2022 - Join Us Next Time!

Katherine Shock

Blog and photos by Peter Baird

The weather was kind. After several days of cold Northerly breezes, our Art Late evening on Thursday 29th Sept. was blessed with dry, mild conditions, perfect for mingling in the garden, sipping wine and enjoying the company and sculptures on display.

Lizzy Rowe started the evening’s proceedings with an interesting and enjoyable introduction to South Parade and its art history, as she held court to an attentive group on the wide pavement outside the Summertown Library. Then, that first wave of visitors passed through the library to listen to Gillian from Grape Minds

introduce her two carefully selected wines at the entrance to the garden.

Tasting samples in hand and prize draw cards stamped, our visitors dispersed into the garden to wander among the exhibits, sit and chat, or catch up with sculptors

Christopher Townsend or

Wilbur Heynes who were on hand to discuss their work and throw some extra light on the backstories and contexts of the sculpture. Soon, the second wave of visitors arrived, having caught Lizzy’s subsequent pavement presentation, and the first group moved on to one of the other Art Late venues, to sample different wines and enjoy their exhibitions and demonstrations.

As dusk fell, our string of fairy lights evoked thoughts of winter evenings to come and Christmas gatherings, before the last of our guests disappeared into South Parade, to enjoy the rest of their art journey, either in The Sarah Wiseman Gallery, or at The North Wall or watching demonstrations at Art-K.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable event, which we will certainly repeat, so if you missed Art Late Autumn 2022, be sure to join us next time!

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