With 80mph – 90mph gusts sweeping the country, we have perhaps been fortunate to escape the severest of the winds from Storms Dudley and Eunice here in Oxford. Nevertheless, considering a 70mph wind would be enough to lift an average human off their feet, and certainly the flurries we’ve seen here could easily pick up small objects and potentially do great damage, we have taken precautions to protect the sculptures, and thus the surrounding buildings and windows, on display in our Winter Exhibition.
Early on Friday morning, Sculpture Co-ordinator Kathy Shock was hurriedly

placing the larger pieces on the ground, and smaller items were safely stored away in the shed to the side of the Summertown library.
Hopefully this will be sufficient to prevent any accidents involving the sculptures, but it remains to be seen what damage to the plants and trees storm Eunice may do.
The garden was closed to the public on Friday, to further insure against injury or harm, and we’ll take stock over the weekend to see how much tidying up is necessary.
Our intrepid team of volunteers will no doubt make sure that the Turrill Sculpture Garden is open again as soon as possible, but meanwhile, we wish everybody a safe and troublefree passage through to calmer conditions!