Recipe: Take one amazingly talented group of singers - Opera Anywhere
Take one leafy walled garden in the centre of Summertown - The Turrill
Take a warm summer's afternoon - Saturday 17th June
Take amazing luck with the weather - a light flurry of rain towards the end
followed by a perfect burst of sunshine on the final song
Take some ingenious puppets who created squeals of delight from children
and adults alike
Take a relaxed audienced with strawberries or late lunches
Then take the perfect magical opera - The Magic Flute
composed by the magician himself - Mozart
Swirl together with laughter and tears
Bake happily for 2 hours =
One Magical Afternoon!
If you want to find some magical ingredients yourself do come along next week to hear the wonderful folk group Jarisel make their magic too. Details on the Summer Music Festival Page.